Why Retailers Choose Alibi Cloud VS

Alibi Cloud VS is less costly and complex than traditional video solutions. From a single platform, retailers can view cameras across multiple locations from anywhere on any device. And, using its powerful analytics, you can track customer and employee behaviors, and ultimately improve your shoppers’ experiences.

Easily add and remove users and assign access levels

Integrate with a vast array of third-party technology applications with our open application programming interface (API)

Scale your system as your business grows with more than 3,000 compatible cameras, including IP, analog and HD over Coax

Swiftly pinpoint when an incident or theft occurred and share video evidence with law enforcement

Go directly to the recording of events with deep-linked, timestamped footage emailed from custom alerts

Consolidate all transaction data for analysis and loss mitigation with a point-of-sale (POS) system integration

Optimize Store Operations Using Analytics

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People Counting

Monitor how many customers visited a location, peak business hours, and consumer traffic patterns and flow with People Counting analytics.

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Receive an alert when an individual, group, or vehicle stays in one place too long. These notifications, set up using our Loitering analytics, can help reduce vandalism and break-ins.

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Line Crossing

Our Line Crossing analytic detects when vulnerable and/or off-limits areas are breached and notifies you in real time.

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Camera Tampering

Get instantly alerted when a camera is blocked, moved, or otherwise tampered with.

Let us create a better retail experience for customers and staff


Improve Your Investigation of Suspicious Cash Register Transactions

Theft and fraudulent purchases are likely major issues you face as a retail operator. Searching through video and POS data from multiple sources can be laborious and time consuming. Alibi Cloud VS integrations with POS systems provide side-by-side data with associated footage and transaction reporting.

Flexible Storage Options

Cloud storage is most often the ideal solution for your video, but you may occasionally need on-premise storage, as well. Alibi Cloud VS lets you select what video is stored in the cloud, on-premise, or both. Choose by camera, time and resolution. The intuitive interface remains the same, regardless of where your video is stored.
